Web Site / Forum Rules

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Please note we do have web development teams actively watching the site and server activity these rules if broken could have a more harsh enforcement from the Adapt Network Team. 

This site is compliant with GDPR Guidance and no personal information should be shared if found out to be then it would be deemed user lead as we don't share any information that is on the back end of this site.

1. No Toxic Behaviour on this site
2. No Cyberbullying
3. No Threats to Hack (DDOS / DOX or any other harmful network traffic) Please note if we see this we will freely report it as it is illegal.

4. No Causing drama because you don't like someone in the community please act your age, not your shoe size.

lastly, you need to read and agree to these rules by using our site and being in discord and also being on this website you agree to all the rules listed.
Kind Regards,
Owner | Development Management
Adapt Network
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2024, 03:59 PM by ItsElectriix.)

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